An Overview of Drug Court in Los Angeles
Drug CrimesIn the 21st century, an increasing number of this nation's lawmakers and judges are taking the position that society's response to minor crimes, espec ...
In the 21st century, an increasing number of this nation's lawmakers and judges are taking the position that society's response to minor crimes, espec ...
California voters were asked back in 2014 to vote for Proposition 47, which reduces the number of drug and theft charges from felonies to misdemeanors ...
Prosecutors, judges, and law enforcement officers in California take domestic violence quite seriously. Each year in the U.S., more than 300,000 wo ...
In the city of Los Angeles, approximately 13,000 burglaries were reported in 2016, and so far in 2017, the burglars have shown no sign of easing up or ...
California police officers can make an arrest with or without an arrest warrant, although if someone is arrested with no warrant, it's probably becaus ...
Show/Hide Video Transcript Hello, my name is Douglas Miranda with Miranda Rights Law Firm. Today we will be talking about whether you are safe at S ...