How to Prevent License Suspension after DUI Arrest
DUIIf you are arrested for DUI in the Los Angeles area – unless the evidence against you is totally persuasive and overwhelming – there’s no reason ...
If you are arrested for DUI in the Los Angeles area – unless the evidence against you is totally persuasive and overwhelming – there’s no reason ...
The California Compassionate Use Act of 1996 made it possible for cannabis primary caregivers to be exempt from criminal prosecution, if they follow t ...
The state of California has two driving under the influence laws, per Vehicle Code section 23152. One states that it is a misdemeanor to drive under ...
The list of traffic violations in the Los Angeles area is huge. Some of the violations are minor and some are not but even the most minor issue can tu ...
Every person in the United States has legal rights that are guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, and every person in the United States should know wha ...
When Jesús Cordero was arrested for possessing the drug Ecstasy, his criminal defenseattorney suggested that Cordero should plead guilty and attend d ...