What Are Possible Defenses for a Burglary Charge in California?
Criminal DefenseBeing accused of burglary in the state of California is a serious matter that should not be taken lightly. If you are charged with burglary, penalties ...
Being accused of burglary in the state of California is a serious matter that should not be taken lightly. If you are charged with burglary, penalties ...
Every parent wishes that their child has a relationship with their ex, but not at the expense of their own relationship. And the most serious disagree ...
As white-collar crime lawyers, we can tell you that California Penal Code considers forgery to be a white-collar crime that must prove that you falsif ...
Because of the destructive nature of fires, and the threat they pose to human life and property, arson charges are heavily pursued and prosecuted in C ...
Some individuals may qualify to have their criminal records expunged in California. A criminal record can negatively affect your life in many ways. It ...
Every defendant has a right to testify or not to testify. In most cases, the defendant will decide whether to take the stand in consultation with a la ...